Gelişim Merkezi
2024 | Trendyol
Growth Center shows the targets assigned to sellers within a specific timeframe. Sellers earn points as they accomplish these targets, enabling them to advance levels and receive rewards. Additionally, sellers can earn badges based on completed tasks within this interface.

My Design Process
The primary goal is to motivate sellers, encourage quicker adaptation to the platform, and foster more active engagement with the panel.
While we were designing, we focused on easy and understandable usage of the page, being able to provide traffic to different screens and providing gamification and engaging design to motivate sellers
During the ideation phase of the project, I conducted user interviews to build new personas and to inform the design.
Using Adobe XD, I translated my first sketches into low-fidelity wireframes. Then, I improved them by adding a few relevant stock images
UI Designs
Once the usability issues were resolved, we moved on to design the final screens in Adobe XD. The goal was to create a visual identity that’s aligned with the brand’s values.
During the ideation phase of the project, we conducted user interviews to build new personas and to inform the design. Together with the team, we prepared an interview script with 36 open-ended questions, focusing on our target audiences’ values, motivations, and daily routines. In 7 days, we recruited and interviewed 15 users remotely. We referenced the user interview findings throughout the entire design process.